Address: 614990 Perm Bukireva st., building №1, 931 office
Phone: +7 (342) 2-396-440
The museum exists since 1933 as a part of the Zoology of Vertebrates Department, named after professors M. Menshikov and A. Bukirev. The exposition includes cyclostomes, sharks, amphibians, reptiles, rays, tsepnogolovye, bone fish, birds (especially fully represented day-old predatory and owls) and specific kinds of mammals that were collected by the students and professors. Among the exhibits, there are many rare objects, as chimeras, sharks, spearmen, diodes, a giant salamander, cape varan, a black stork, the peregrine falcon, platypus, echidna, Russian muskrat and others.
Связанные персоны
- Васильев Александр Сергеевич, заведующий Музеем зоологии позвоночных с 2009 г.
- Букирев Александр Ильич, составитель систематических коллекций музея зоологии позвоночных